Colleges, Universities, Bootcamp Partners

Bring industry expertise to your campus

Transform technology students into job-ready professionals

How it works?

Our CareerReady program for technology students is a three part supplemental training program. It is designed to develop students into working professionals. Students can sign up for one or more parts.

I - Solidify Foundation

Students learn and practice tools beyond the basics to prepare for project work.

II - CareerReady

Students work on projects in job-like team settings to learn development and testing skills.

Capstone Projects

This is virtual internship where students build something remarkable.

Why Bring Industry Experience to Campus?

We can transform students into job-ready Professionals while they are learning core skills at your Institute.



Increased credibility with Industry



Improved placements in quantity and quality



Improved ranking in industry engagement and placement metrics.


Free Marketing

Increased satisfaction among alumni results in free word of mouth marketing.


Industry Connections

Become part of our extensive professional network, with access to professionals from all career paths



Provide students with in-demand, job-readiness skills that are not covered in curriculums

Benefits for Students

Increased employability, reduced time to first job, and jumpstart career

Industry experience

Experience what it is like to work in a software development company, before finishing college thus getting ahead of the competition

In-demand, Job-centric skills

Learn and practice using the real-world tools, processes, and methodologies used by professionals worldwide.

Soft skills for Business

Gain confidence by learning and practicing soft skills such as business communication, critical conversations, and work presentations

Realistic Projects

Learning projects teach you how to use a particular tool or technology. Realistic projects teach you how to put it all together to create a solution.

Enhanced Resumes

Build projects worth showcasing on resumes while gaining confidence to defend work in the technical interviews

Career Jumpstart

Develop skills required to work on own product or services startups or as a freelancer

What Employers Say

Most tech grads lack job-centric skills

"Students need counseling to understand the kinds of jobs that are available; how to determine which job profiles match their interests and skills; the skill gaps that may disqualify them; and how to address those skill gaps."

- National Employability Report

Need for UpSkilling

"Large multinational companies like Infosys have recently pushed to hire workers without traditional degrees, partly enabled by its Reskill and Restart initiative. Others, such as Microsoft, have invested millions in global upskilling programs."

- The Gartner Report

Employer Perspective

"Skills are more important than degrees or credentials and that job requirements needed to be re-evaluated."

- The US Chamber of Commerce

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